Dave Landers
Studio 8
610 Pinewood Lane
Estes Park, CO 80517
Turned Wooden Bowls, Unique Turned Art, Decorative Pieces
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It’s all about the wood for me. I like creating in harmony with Mother Nature. She’s supplied so much more than just a material to work with. Wood is art. My challenge is to embellish that art, using the lathe and other tools, to enhance the beauty already there. Sometimes, I also get to collaborate with insects or maybe a fungus, and we layer on top of each other’s work.
Many of my bowls and hollow forms are made from “rescued” wood. Trees, removed from someone’s yard, are “rescued” before they get to the landfill.
My signature piece is what I call simply a “Sliced Hollow Form”. This is a hollow vessel that I’ve sliced apart and reassembled with pewa (pronounced peh-vah, meaning fish tail - it’s the Hawaiian word for butterfly patches). The slice through the form is another way to access the negative space inside.